FOSSGIS2013 - 36 2013_07_29
Konferenz für freie und Open Source-Software im GIS-Bereich und für freie Geodaten
Martin Loidl
Martin Loidl holds a MSc in Applied Geoinformatics and a MSc in Landscape-, Regional- and Urban Management, both from the University of Salzburg. Since 2009 he works for UNIGIS mainly as tutor and author. Among others he guides students through the one-year certificate programm (UNIGIS Professional), works as an instructor for the introductory course module ("Introduction to GIS") and develops learning materials for cartography/geovisualization. Martin also teaches thematic cartography and geovisualization in the geography bachelor programm at the University of Salzburg. Martin's research focus lies on geovisualization and (urban) mobility. He is involved in several research projects, publishes in international journals and contributes to several conferences and workshops.
martin dot loidl at sbg dot ac dot at